Issues Management Strategies: Enhancing Corporate Reputation of Oil and Gas Firms in Rivers State
Authors: Chigonum, Freeman Ogbonna and Prof. Patrick N. Nwinyokpugi
This study was to examine the relationship between issues management strategies and corporate reputation in oil and gas companies in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research design, taking cognizance of cross sectional survey approach. The study population comprised of 17 oil and gas companies in Rivers State. Three human resources managers were derived from each organization of the 17 oil and gas companies in Rivers State, thus making the study target respondents to be 51 and entire 51 respondents were covered using census approach. The data collection was done through structured closed ended questionnaire and gathered data analysed using descriptive statistics and presented with the aid SPSS version 20.0. The study hypotheses tested were analysed using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistics with coefficient value of 0.05. The results of analysed data showed that the dimensions of issues management strategies which include; issues identification, issues response, issues analysis and issues prioritization significantly correlated positively with the measures of organizational reputation being community recognition and stakeholders support. The finding also showed a high moderating effect of organizational culture on issues management strategies and organizational reputation of oil and gas community in Rivers State. Relying on the empirical findings, the study concluded that issues management strategies have positive significant relationship with organizational reputation. We therefore recommended that, the dimensions of issues management strategies and organizational reputation: issues identification, issues response, issues analysis and issues prioritization identified in this study be utilized as it enhances organizational reputation measures of community recognition and stakeholders support.
Keywords: Issues Management, Issues Identification, Response, Issues analysis, Issues Prioritzation, Community Recognition, Stakeholders Supports
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