Physical Information Control and Efficiency of Paramilitary Organisations in South-South, Nigeria
Authors: Lawrence Burabari Maamah and Prof. (Mrs.) Anthonia Enefaa Bestman
This study examined the relationship between physical information control and efficiency of paramilitary organisations in South-South, Nigeria. The study adopted the cross-sectional research survey design. The population of the study was the seven paramilitary organizations in south-south region. Since the population of seven paramilitary organizations in south-south Nigeria is relatively small, the researcher studied the entire population. However, elements from the population were used as the study participants. Total participants of the study were forty-two (42) senior officers of which the study questionnaire was administered directly. Collected data were analyse using descriptive statistics. The hypotheses were tested using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. The tests were carried out at a 0.05 significance level. Findings revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between physical information control and efficiency of paramilitary organisations in South-South, Nigeria. Therefore, the study concludes that physical information control positively enhances efficiency of paramilitary organizations in South-South, Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommended that Paramilitary organizations should allocate resources to develop and maintain a reliable technology infrastructure. This includes acquiring up-to-date hardware and software systems, establishing secure network architecture, and implementing efficient data storage solutions.
Keywords: Physical Information Control, Efficiency, Time Minimization, Cost Minimization, Waste Time Minimization,
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