Refining Organizational Performance in Deposit Money Banks Using Knowledge Gap Analysis
Authors: Onyebuenyi Christian and Obara Chizi Eruchi (PhD)
This study examined the correlation between knowledge gap analysis and the performance of deposit money banks in Rivers State, Nigeria. The dependent variable was assessed using measurements of customer loyalty and quality decision-making. The research population consisted of twenty-four deposit money banks that were operating in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study involved the selection of four managerial staff members from each of the banks under investigation, resulting in a total sample size of ninety-six responses. The data were obtained from the participants through the use of a well-designed questionnaire. The hypotheses were tested using Pearson's product moment correlation, utilizing the statistical software SPSS version 23.0. The results of the analysis demonstrated statistically significant and positive associations between our predictor variable, knowledge gap analysis, and the measurements of the criterion variable, organizational performance in deposit money institutions located in Rivers State, Nigeria. Based on the empirical evidence, the study reached the conclusion that there exists a statistically significant positive association between knowledge gap analysis and the organizational performance of deposit money institutions in Rivers State. The study additionally recommended that managers within the banking industry, along with other relevant stakeholders, should regularly assess the effects and significance of their knowledge resources. This research indicates a crucial role in enhancing organizational performance through knowledge gap analysis.
Keywords: Refining, Organizational Performance, Customer Loyalty and Quality Decision Making
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